Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Chicken Babysitter

I was not able to go to my Aunt's funeral because of work.   My mom has 12 hens and I volunteered to take care of them for her while she was gone.   I have really enjoyed going down to her place, to feed and water them.  Mom's hens are very friendly.   They start talking to you as soon as you enter the coop.   One of her hens loves to be petted.   She will jump up on the rails buy the nests and wait for you to pet her.  If you don't she will peck at you till you do.   She makes this sound that sounds like a purr.   Crazy.   Mom made the comment one day that she could never kill the hens to eat.  They were to much of pet.  Now I know what she is talking about.   Those girls will live long lives at the Hotel Hansen's coop.


  1. You know, you are not the only blogger who has hens. Seems to be a big trend. I am glad you like taking care of them. Sorry you could not go to your aunts funeral. :(


  2. I'm finding a lot of farm blogs out there that I really enjoy following. That hen that wants to be petted sounds so cute! :)

  3. we raised chickens and turkeys when I was growing up and although they were fun to watch they scared me to death. lol

  4. Awwww that is sooooo sweet! My grandmother had chickens and I would love to feed them but I was too afraid to gather the eggs. I wish they had been more like your Mother's Chickens. Blessings, Joanne
