Monday, February 7, 2011

Thank You

I want to thank everyone for the kind words over the loss of my furbaby.  Those kind words mean a lot to me.   Losing him has made me realize that our stay here on earth is very short.  You never know when our Maker will call us home.  I have been doing some deep soul searching, wondering I am ready to go.  Have I completed everything the Lord has given me to do.  Can I stand before the Lord, with my head held up high knowing I did my best.   I think not.  I could stand there and say I have done my best on some things but not all.  I have areas that I need to work on.  I going to take an area to work on and do it one step at a time.  Two steps forward and no steps back.  I really do love life.


  1. life is good cindy, it is refreshing to read about someone who truly understands it and why we are here. i left you a little comment on your previous post. we all need to work on ourselves and your words are inspriring to me. thank you and take care...

  2. You know Cindy that is true for all of us. No one is perfect. And so many times I think I've moved forward only to realize I moved backward.

    One day at a time.

